Jodha Akbar 13th September 2013 Friday Full Episode written Jodhaa Akbar 13 September 2013 latest episode Jodha akbar 13th Sep 2013 free full Episode Jodhaa Akbar serial today @ ZEE Tv Jodha Akbar Cast is consist of Rajat Tokas,Kunal Bhatia, Nupur Saxena, Bhakti Narula, Vicky Batra, Bhagyshree Mote, Pragati Choursiya, Ankit Raizada, Gandharva Pardeshi,Paridhi Sharma, Smilie Suri / Lavina Tandon, Manisha Yadav, Chhaya Ali Khan, Parag Tyagi, Rajeev Saxena, Natasha Sinha,Dev Bishit, Akhil Vaid.
Jodha miserably declares for a wife her own father detain her is too much affront, i profusely said that i didnt perform anythin but for everything is a game my regard my dignity today ruks said that culprit is someon other so you modified and righteousness has in addition become a game for you, yes i misled that i murdered your young offspring because i reflected you would put to death me but other innocents would be collected, i hurt of death is less then the hurt of being your wife, i loathe you so much thats why i misled in addition, i like to curse you but my ideals declares that i cant curse my father, but i request to get free from you and your evil-minded psyche its better to decease then residing in this great distress but ruks didnt give me that likelihood in addition, she collapses her hands and declares i appeal you to satisfy depart from here, he doesnt budge so she sternly declares depart he renders a incensed view to her and leaves. Jodha views up at him and miserably sit on bed.ruks request recognising you dont love her, she loathes you then why you did nikkah with her jalal declares because not getting her was my affront i desired to present her as my win, desired to flatten her arrogance under my feet, her loathing renders me serenity but i didnt recognise she will conduct like this with me. Ruks declares i have one thought convey her back to amer, he declares still she is not confirmed guiltless so how can i convey her ruks declares but i consider she is guiltless, behind any law-breaking there is some justification she has no onvolvement in your kingdom neither does she like power, she is not fascinated in your affluence she is not even fascinated in you jalal feels wound a little and attempts to move out when she finishes him and declares perform some achievement in resistance to salima asap, either she confirms her stance about that packing box or accept her crime. Jalal declares i will perform matching but dont let every one recognise about it.
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