Jodha Akbar 16th September 2013 today Full Episode written Jodhaa Akbar 16 September 2013 latest episode Jodha akbar 16th Sep 2013 free full Episode Jodhaa Akbar serial today @ ZEE Tv Jodha Akbar Cast is consist of Rajat Tokas,Kunal Bhatia, Nupur Saxena, Bhakti Narula, Vicky Batra, Bhagyshree Mote, Pragati Choursiya, Ankit Raizada, Gandharva Pardeshi,Paridhi Sharma, Smilie Suri / Lavina Tandon, Manisha Yadav, Chhaya Ali Khan, Parag Tyagi, Rajeev Saxena, Natasha Sinha,Dev Bishit, Akhil Vaid.
Jalal is with salima and keeps her and declares dont hesitate you are my wife I have the right on you and your love salima declares yes. Jalal declares you loved Khan baba? as he loved you alot salima doesnt answer to his query and declares some queries has no replies jalal declares but If father request any query then wife has to give reply and lays down salima on bed she closes her and declares you are my father and reply is yes jalal declares then why did nikkah with me I fulfilled My responsibilities but i not ever came to your room as you were khan baba’s wife but today you didnt reflected about him when getting nearer to me? She declares because i cant finish you , you are my father jalal declares so you decide your prevailing father over your dead father who you loved and present that packing box to her, request her to devour it she declares if you are submitting this then i definitely will devour she is about to devour when jalal finishes and declares no you are not the one.adham declares i consider i recognise the actual culprit maham request who adham declares you, only you have guts to perform it so satisfy spill the beans now and hope me i will be cheerful if you did it as then it will be shown that you love more, then jalal and you did for my future maham is angry.jalal gets up from bed, salima declares i didnt get it he declares i desired to recognise a thing and got it. He positions her dupatta on her head and declares you were khan baba’s regard, you are and you will be i am apologetic for all this salima is still baffled so jalal declares someon attempted to snare you and failed , man can be erroneous one time but if double then he is a fool which i am not, first he snared jodha now you but i will find him, he leaves.maham declares to adham are you crazy , to present that i love you i will perform such thing, i didnt fetched jalal to this world but i have bestowed him feed and this claim is disgrace to my loyality with jalal, there is between you and jalal , you suspected on me and if jalal find any pointer in resistance to he will not request me. She request him to move out and utterances, she miserably takes a seat on bed and declares i dont recognise what is the certainty but this is accurate that i love my teenager more than every one more than jalal and consider adham’s unpleasant savour remarks where he flings maham away declares depart and carry jalal’s heir to this world in order that he will become very large and get the throne and me i will be just his servant. He request her to move out, maham draws close to him and caresses his face fb ends. She declares how to advise you that only i am behind this conspiracy in fb it is shown that it was maham who fetched that packing box from that man then we maham stealthily put that dathura in more packing containers of kesar fetched for ruks when salima draws close requesting for rahim maham treats her and propels her off Then she discovers that the packing box was missing.ruks is getting dressed her wound in her room when jodha draws close and request about her wound ruks declares about which wound you are chatting about that on hand or on heart. Jodha declares you collected me.. Ruks propels hoshiyar out and declares to observe throughout herself before chatting about political subjects and request the justification for drawing close jodha declares i desired to give thanks you ruks declares i said beforehand that i have the agency of this harem and jalal’s psyche if i didnt finish him that after dark you would have.. Jodha declares query is why you finished him? Earlier you were in resistance to me and i consider now you recognise the actual culprit ruks declares its not your worry jodha declares it is he snared me and fetched disgrace to my family so i have to recognise ruks declares you are not so adroit to appreciate political subject neither you have the right to recognise, depart and congratulate your unrestrained jodha declares because of him tolerated much, me and my family tolerated home detain, sukaniya’s groom got murdered, ruks declares because I collected you that doesnt intend you have become valued part here and you have no value in jalal’s life in addition, and turns down to advise her any kind and propels her away with her queries as no one was sanctioned to disturb sovereign in her snooze n restIn her room Maham is anxious about her missing packing box She considers of finding out who had it As she would be snared Maham moves to get concurrently Jalal in his room .. And queries why he liberated Jodha from detain .Jalal advises her that he had encountered out she was not culprit .. Maham desires to recognise who what was the pointer he had As she is minister she had the privileges to recognise Jalal declares he had resolved he would not share his pointer with any one but Maham was divergent He makes a determination to present her Maham is frightened to observe the packing box in Jalal’s hand .
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